Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Story: Teenage highschool student is drawing in his notebook on a bus ride to school(public transportation), but is hindered from accurately translating his ideas due to lack of drawing skills. Getting inspiration from his surroundings, he creates a character he is willing to illustrate. At this point, the viewer will be taken inside of the teenager's imagination where his ideas will be seen fully developed.
His character will be doing free running/parkour with the ability to emit graffiti from his footsteps. The main character-teenager-reaches his stop and looses focus of his imagination, causing the free runner to kill himself during his last stunt.

Concept: Inability to escape from reality
How: illustrating is main character's method of escaping. His inability to draw/translate ideas hinders his escape.
inability to devote full attention to imagination/drawings

Connection btw Graffiti & Free Running:
Graffiti writers and free runners use the environment to reach seemingly unreachable locations.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Documentation Materials

I chose to stage an intervention for midterm. I wanted to somehow blend moving liquid/droplets, illustration, and a figure into footage.

After sharing ideas with the class, I decided the best approach for staging the droplets is to film them in motion. I then edited the footage in Final Cut, exported it to Quicktime , and imported them into After Effects. The illustration was penciled and inked by hand (preference). I wanted to use a character design that was exagerated but remeniscient of the actor.

My first objective was to separate the actor from the footage so I can animate the water in between him and the background.I first dragged the footage of actor/environment into the comp, and duplicated the layer. I then dragged my chosen droplet footage in between the two previous layers. On the topmost layer (footage w/ actor and environment) I masked the actor, feathered its edges and animated the actors mask until he left the footage. After playing around with opacity and footage on the water layer I masked the shapes I wanted and animated that. Finally, I added the illustration, and masked the spaces in between the it and water to add depth to the lines.
Below is some of my footage:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I came across this while doing some research. If you're familiar with Public Enemy, you may know who Professor Griff is. Well, he was a member of the group and is still active (giving lectures/appearances on radio shows etc. spreading valuable information about where society is heading etc. I recommend this to ANYONE. THIS IS HIGHLY INFORMATIVE. THE SHOW INTENSIFIES AS YOU PROGRESS THROUGH IT. WARNING: THIS CAN BE POLITICALLY INCORRECT.

Monday, March 1, 2010




viral video: usually humorous or abnormal in some way, and almost instantly catches lots of media attention via internet. (sharing/being passed along via internet)

social media: methods + outlets for communication, sharing information, and socializing via internet. 
ex: facebook/twitter/youtube/blog+forums/metacafe